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World Refractories Association Board meeting at Ceramitec

The Board of the World Refractories Association met on Thursday 12 April on the occasion of CERAMITEC in Munich, Germany. The new WRA President Stefan Borgas opened the meeting by presenting the future orientations and objectives of the World Refractories Association. The WRA Board Meeting offered an opportunity to present the progress of the work developed by the WRA notably regarding statistics, customs codes revision and safety data collection. The next WRA Board and General Assembly will be organised on 15-16 November in Beijing in China followed by a WRA Innovation Conference.


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World Refractories 
Association AISBL

12 rue Belliard
1040 Brussels, Belgium
T: +32 2 808 38 80

The WRA Secretariat is held by the European Refractories Producers Federation, PRE.

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