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Increase productivity, reduce energy: The power of digital transformation

The digital world is having a significant impact on how we do business. The advent of digital technology is making massive strides in the manufacturing sector.

From changing the way we operate equipment to create more user-friendly experiences to streamlining the production process to get more out of raw materials, embracing digital technology is something no company should be hesitant about.

Let's look at how transforming your business around digital technology can increase productivity while decreasing your energy expenditure and boosting profit potential.

APC Technology Optimizes Production

One of the most powerful digital tools affecting manufacturing is Advanced Process Control technology. APC technology optimizes a production process to deliver more value from existing processes without increasing costs or adding extra steps.

APC uses predictive modelling to ensure that your production process is as efficient as possible. Minimizing your energy expenditure while improving productivity.

Transitioning to APC technology can help manufacturers optimize processes and drastically increase output without significantly affecting existing infrastructure.

Keys to Integrating Digital Technology

Switching to more digitized production can be challenging if your business operates under a traditional production model with limited technological streamlining. Questions of new equipment costs and employee training often overshadow the benefits of digital transformation.

However, adopting new technology can be easy to implement if you partner with an existing expert who can guide you on technology that makes sense for your business.

Digital transformation can be challenging and complicated, but you can rely on their hands-on experience to properly handle your model transformation if you partner with an expert. They'll understand what adjustments need to be made, minimize employee training requirements, and manage the integration process. Even more importantly, your partner can help with the ongoing use of these new tools.

For manufacturers, the real power of digital transformation is strategic: new technology can increase productivity and reduce energy requirements and lead to greater flexibility and resilience to future challenges.

Leveraging digital technology changes how products are designed, fabricated, used, and serviced, ultimately transforming factories' operations, processes, and energy footprint.


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World Refractories 
Association AISBL

12 rue Belliard
1040 Brussels, Belgium
T: +32 2 808 38 80

The WRA Secretariat is held by the European Refractories Producers Federation, PRE.

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